Everybody is welcome. Attandance is free and you do not need to register. In order to plan for the catering, however, we encourage you to add your name to the list:
Daniela Florescu, Oracle, dflorescu at mac dot com
William Candillon, 28msec, william.candillon at 28msec dot com
Cezar Andrei, Oracle, cezar dash pbworks @t cezarandrei dotcom
Chris Hillery, Oracle, chillery dash pbworks at lambda dot nu
Paul J. Lucas, 28msec, {first}@{last}mail.org
Till Westmann, 28msec, till.westmann at 28msec dot com
Gabriel Petrovay, ETH Zurich, gabriel.petrovay at inf dot ethz dot ch
David Graf, 28msec, david.graf at 28msec dot com
Dennis Knochenwefel, 28msec, dennis.knochenwefel at 28msec dot com
Matthias Brantner, 28msec, matthias.brantner at 28msec dot com
Markos Zaharioudakis, Oracle, markos_za at yahoo dot com
Markus Pilman, 28msec, markus.pilman at 28msec dot com
Daniel Turcanu, ENEA Romania, daniel.turcanu at enea dot com
Sorin Nasoi, ENEA Romania, spungi at gmail dot com
Nicolae Brinza, FLWOR Foundation, nbrinza at gmail dot com
Juan Zacarias, Oracle, juan.zacarias at oracle dot com
Rodolfo Ochoa, Oracle, rodolfo dot ochoa at gmail dot com
Tony Santangelo, Cisco, tony.santangelo at periphron dot net
Ruth Stryker, Trainer, ruth at ruthstryker dot com
Tim Kraska, UC Berkeley, first dot last at googler mail
Luis Rodriguez, Oracle, luis.g.rodriguez at oracle dot com
Eric Sedlar, Oracle, eric.sedlar at oracle
Erik Wilde, School of Information, UC Berkeley, dret at berkeley dot edu
Tamosevicius Rokas, first_lastname at gmx dot ch
Karin Moellering, first dot last at googler mail
Daniel Engovatov, Efficient Frontier, lastname at gmail
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