
Amsterdam Meetup

Page history last edited by Dexter Larson 13 years, 2 months ago


XQuery Meetup - Amsterdam October 2011



XMLAmsterdam conference 


Where and when


Given the number of participants (so far), availability of location, and combination with conference, it has been decided to organize:


  • a pre-conf dinner (most certainly) in the hotel next to the conference location (own charge, open to all) --> 25th of October, starting from somewhere between 19 and 20h
  • discussion during lunch at the conference (free, but only accessible for visitors) --> 26th of October, 12:40 upto 13:20


The discussion is titled "Can JSON hook up with XQuery?".




See http://www.xmlamsterdam.com/location


Who will be there


Intentionally, everybody is welcome. However, the discussion takes place at the conference location, which will be accessible for visitors only.

The dinner is at own charge, the discussion is free. You do not need to register for the discussion, though you can still leave a note you are interested.

It would help us estimate the needed size of the room.


Please do leave your name if you will be joining dinner, so I can make sure there is sufficient room for all: 





  • There will most likely be a beamer present at the discussion.
  • There is wifi at the dinner location, freely accessible to all guests (both sleepers and eaters.. ;).


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