
XQuery Meetup - Home Page

Page history last edited by vina 5 years, 5 months ago


The aim of this very new meetup group is to promote knowledge sharing and best practice amongst XQuery developers and business professionals around the world by organizing local meetups.

Meet XQuery users, developers and recruiters near you! Come to an XQuery meetup to exchange ideas and talk about code, architecture, innovation, and open source in general. Anyone interested in XQuery-related technologies is welcome!

Looking to Organize an XQuery Meetup?

Are you excited about exchanging ideas with the XQuery community in your local area?

We are looking for motivated people to organize meetups all around the globe. The best way to start is to create a wiki page for that event with the following template:

You can start a wikipage with the data and exact location yet to be annouced. Putting the idea of a meetup in your area is likely to raise attention and might help you to find an hosting place for instance.

Zoe Slattery (IBM) is sharing her experience of organizing unconferences on her blog. It can be a great inspiration for you as a meetup organizer.



Upcoming Meetups




Previous Meetups



What to expect at an XQuery Meetup?

XQuery Meetups are a great way to socialize with XQuery developers in your area (Beer is involved too).

If you are looking to participate to an XQuery Meetup, you should pre-register on the wiki. There's a signup page for each local event. Please put your name and any organization you represent on the form, to give coordinators an idea as to how many people are coming.

On the wiki page, you can suggest a talk for the event and/or topics of discussion. 


XQuery on the Web

On the page, you can find a list of resources about XQuery: XQuery on the Web



Where to find us?

Comments (10)

Thomas White said

at 9:08 am on Sep 20, 2011

Is there any way to delete these unrelated links?

Florent Georges said

at 4:13 pm on May 13, 2013

Yeah, I was wondering the same thing, Thomas. William, any idea? Should not we make the pages read-only as well? The only updates I receive are spam...

Loren Cahlander said

at 12:11 pm on May 14, 2013

Agreed! If we are not going to be scheduling any meet ups soon, then these pages should be locked and any spam messages should be deleted.

grtjn said

at 7:16 am on May 14, 2013

+1 for making the pages read-only..

Florent Georges said

at 12:07 pm on May 14, 2013

I bet you do, you revert spam changes every day... :-)

Florent Georges said

at 12:08 pm on May 14, 2013

And I wanted to say, thanks for that...

Loren Cahlander said

at 1:41 pm on May 14, 2013

+1 Much appreciated.

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