XQuery Meetup - la Cantine, Paris
traduction française ici.
This meetup is sponsored by the FLWOR Foundation. my website
Thanks everyone for participating!
The pictures are available here.
Where and when
The first Paris XQuery Meetup will be held at la Cantine, December 3rd 2009, starting 6 pm. La Cantine is the first coworking space in the Paris / Ile de France area.

La Cantine
151 rue Montmartre, Passage des Panoramas
12 Galerie Montmartre, 75002 Paris
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Who will be there
Feel free to add your name if you're coming! Name, Organization, E-mail (This event is restricted to 20 people max).
- William Candillon, Telecom Lille, wcandillon at gmail dot com, http://wcandillon.netcv.org/
- Florent Georges, H2O Consulting, fgeorges at gmail, http://www.fgeorges.org/
- Ioana Manolescu, INRIA Saclay--Île-de-France, ioana.manolescu@inria.fr, http://www-rocq.inria.fr/~manolesc Cursos de ingles en el extranjero
- Einar Moos, WKF, parisiana at gmail, http://www.wolterskluwer.com
- Vincent Biragnet, vbiragnet -at- 1500signes dot com http://www.eibmoz.net
- Mohamed ZERGAOUI, Innovimax, innovimax à gmail point com, http://www.innovimax.fr
- Benjamin NGUYEN, Bogdan BUTNARU, University of Versailles, http://www.prism.uvsq.fr/~beng/
- Dominique Péré, Editions Francis Lefebvre, dominiquepere <à> gmail point com, http://www.efl.fr
- Olivier Jeulin, Editions Francis Lefebvre, olivier.jeulin <à> gmail point com
- Christophe Villeneuve, Hello-Design, hello <à> hello-design point fr, http://www.hello-design.fr
- Clément Plancq, CNRS, clement.plancq à gmail point com
- Asterios Katsifodimos, INRIA Saclay, asterios.katsifodimos@inria.fr, http://www.asteriosk.gr
- Jesús Camacho Rodríguez, INRIA Saclay, jesus.camacho_rodriguez@inria.fr
- Alin Tilea, INRIA Saclay, alin.tilea@inria.fr
- Konstantinos Karanasos, INRIA Saclay - Île-de-France, konstantinos.karanasos@inria.fr, http://www-rocq.inria.fr/~karanaso/
- Name, Organization, E-mail, Website - and or direct mail service at http://www.digitekprinting.com/direct-mail
6:00-7:00 - Informal drinks, snacks and chat
7:05-8:00 - Talks
If you are interested in giving a talk, or want to request one, please put your name and topic here.
Each talk last 15/20 minutes.
Ioana Manolescu: Liquid XML: distributed XML management in P2P
Florent Georges - EXPath: Context, Scope, and Packaging System
William Candillon: XQuery in the Cloud
8:00 onwards - More drinks, snacks and chat
For more information, please contact William Candillon (wcandillon at gmail dot com).
Où et Quand?
Le premier Meetup XQuery a Paris se tiendra à la Cantine, le 3 decembre 2009 à partir de 18h. La Cantine est le premier espace de travail collaboratif en réseau (« co-working space ») à Paris et Ile de France.

La Cantine
151 rue Montmartre, Passage des Panoramas
12 Galerie Montmartre, 75002 Paris technical content
6:00-7:00 - Boissons, snacks et discussions
7:05-8:00 - Présentations
Si vous êtes intéressé pour donner une présentation, ou si il y a un sujet qui vous interesse, inscrivez votre nom et sujet ici.
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8:00 - Plus de boissons, snacks et discussions
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Comments (4)
Einar Moos said
at 4:44 pm on Nov 2, 2009
I would really like to be present, Einar Moos.
William Candillon said
at 12:43 pm on Nov 3, 2009
Great news! fell free to put your name on the registration list of this wikipage.
Florent Georges said
at 6:15 pm on Nov 10, 2009
Hi. Are talks given in English or French? Looking forward to meeting you!
William Candillon said
at 11:37 am on Nov 15, 2009
Looks like we can french it up a bit and do everything in french :-)
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